Educational Philosophy

Selwyn House School, an independent boys' school, provides students with an education of exceptional depth and scope. 

The School fosters academic excellence through an enriched curriculum, the development of critical and creative thinking, and the ability to communicate ideas well. We strive to instill in our students an intellectual curiosity and a lifelong commitment to learning. 

Dedicated, energetic staff teach our courses, coach our teams, supervise our activities, and communicate openly and regularly with parents. Our programs challenge boys mentally and physically, while stressing a respect for honesty and fair play, and a tolerance of the ideas of others.

Selwyn House School supports its students and staff, and rewards their efforts as well as their achievements. Our community is one in which students can build confidence and self-discipline, appreciate their responsibilities to others and themselves, and find joy in learning. 

Our goals are that students will acquire positive attitudes to scholarship and recreation, learn clarity of thinking and self-expression, and guide themselves with a high degree of personal integrity.


Selwyn House School is a CEGEP/university preparatory school that enables boys to be respectful, resilient and hard-working young men who pursue fulfilled, balanced, and purposeful lives anchored by Selwyn Veritas through a compassionate and supportive environment guided by passionate teachers, and academic and program excellence grounded in both English and French language and culture.


We teach boys to become accomplished young men in an inclusive and highly relational learning community. Our students will be true to themselves, to others, to their school, and to the world – Selwyn Veritas.

Educational Philosophy

In front of our school, next to our iconic Veritas sculpture, a tree stands tall.

I believe that every school is like a tree. Each is separate from the rest, with strong roots and distinct characteristics. The trunk is a solid core that allows the tree to stand straight and rise above the ground. Its branches extend into the sky, absorbing sunlight for its nourishment.

I like to think of our motto, Veritas, as the nutrients that feed our school. 

Everything we do at Selwyn House School is linked to Veritas.

Our core consists of our values, which have shaped our school’s 113 year history.

We are:

Relational – Boys’ learning should be based on relationships, responsibility, and purpose. Our students belong to a caring and relational community whose members understand each other and grow together.

Inclusive – We strive to be a fully inclusive community. We teach our students to respect and work with everyone regardless of language, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or race. We shape our graduates to go into the world prepared to bring everyone together. 

Experiential – We believe that all children, especially boys, need to play, build and deconstruct things. We help our students gain the courage to try without the fear of failure. 

Our branches reflect what we do as a school and all work together in service of our students.

Academics are the core of what we do. We give the boys the skills and knowledge they need to be successful as they move through life. Outstanding academics are non-negotiable here at Selwyn House School.

Athletics are a huge part of who we are. The students learn a lot about themselves and each other by belonging to teams and playing in individual sports. At Selwyn House School, athletics and academics complement each other.

The Arts provide an opportunity for our young men to grow in all aspects of their lives. As you walk through our hallways, you will be impressed with the sheer amount of artwork hanging on the walls. At alumni events, I’m always amazed to hear our Old Boys talk about how pivotal their experiences on stage were for them as they took part in one of our many productions. The Old Boys blues band shows how some alumni aren’t ready to let go of their experience in the school jazz band. 

Our Activities enrich our students’ experience at the school. Between the clubs and programs like debating, robotics and leadership to outdoor education and the woodshop, our students have access to many fantastic opportunities. 

Finally, the leaves represent our students. Each year, our graduates leave our school spreading Veritas to the world, like a tree shedding its leaves, nourishing the soil.