Gryphon Fund

Supporting Athletic Excellence

Selwyn House School has long held a strong commitment to physical education and athletics, recognizing their crucial role in a student's comprehensive educational development. Our Athletics Department offers a diverse range of opportunities tailored to meet the varied interests and ambitions of our students. We aim to instill in our students a healthy attitude towards physical activity, fostering a deep-seated belief in the values of hard work and perseverance. Through our athletic programs, students gain more than just physical prowess; they acquire lifelong lessons in effort, teamwork, leadership and fairness. They understand the positive effects on mental health through physical activity; and they develop healthy habits for life. 

Introducing The Gryphon Fund

In alignment with our strategic plan, we are proud to announce the creation of Selwyn House School's first fund dedicated to athletics: The Gryphon Fund. This fund will address the growing financial demands on Athletics, ensuring we can continue to offer a robust athletic experience while keeping tuition affordable.

The Need for The Gryphon Fund

As the scope of our athletic programs expands, so do the associated costs. The Gryphon Fund will bridge the gap between our operational budget and the actual needs of our athletics programs. By providing a dedicated source of funding, we can ensure the sustainability and growth of these programs, while ensuring they remain affordable. This also underscores our dedication to maintaining a socio-economically diverse student body and our commitment to excellence in athletics, ensuring that all students have access to high-quality and elite athletic experiences.

Funding Goals and Allocation

Our goal is to raise $2 million over the next 10 years, providing an annual disbursement to support our athletics programs. From time to time, a percentage of the fund's capital may also be allocated to important capital investments that support the fund's objectives (e.g. new facilities or equipment). These funds will be allocated based on the needs identified by our head coaches, the Director of Athletics, and the Headmaster. Key areas of support may include:
  • Uniforms and equipment: Ensuring our teams are well-equipped and presentable.
  • League entry fees: Covering costs for participation in competitive leagues and tournaments
  • Venue costs and transportation: Ensuring our teams can compete at the best venues and travel safely.
  • Attracting committed teachers with athletic expertise and  well-qualified specialized coaches to enhance training.
  • Professional development
  • Upgrade facilities (locker rooms, storage, playground, technical equipment)
  • Add future facilities such as: a hockey arena, an athletic field for soccer, football, baseball, and ultimate frisbee; 
  • Further our commitment to sports development as part of our school’s role as a leader in boys’ education. 
  • Develop partnerships with local universities, professional teams and organizations, for example, continuing our work with the Concussion Legacy Foundation
  • Special financial assistance for players and coaches

Leadership and Immediate Objectives

We are thrilled to announce that Selwyn House alumnus Tim Fleiszer, Class of ‘92, will serve as the first Chair of the Gryphon Fund Committee, spearheading this vital initiative. Our immediate goal is to raise $100,000 by June 30, 2024 to simply establish the fund. The Chair, in collaboration with the Advancement Committee of the Board, will be recruiting volunteers to join the fundraising committee and outline the phases of this 10-year project. In the spirit of timely support, the first sport to benefit from The Gryphon Fund will be our hockey program. In addition to the $100,000 requirement to establish the fund, early donations will be directed to cover extraordinary expenses this year, including the league fees required to join the Canadian Sport School Hockey League (CSSHL), our new league.

The Gryphon Fund Celebration Event

In Spring 2025, we look forward to hosting an expanded athletics awards event designed to celebrate the importance of athletics at Selwyn House School and raise funds to the benefit of The Gryphon Fund and its mission.

Join Us in Supporting The Gryphon Fund

We invite the Selwyn House School community to celebrate and contribute to this exciting new venture. The Gryphon Fund is not just an investment in our athletic programs; it is an investment in the future of our students, teaching them the values of Veritas, our school’s philosophy. There is no better experiential environment to learn in to live our four truths: "True to Yourself, True to your School, True to Others, and True to your World.” The athletic landscape allows students to practice Veritas each and every day. Discipline, teamwork, and perseverance will serve them throughout their lives. Together, we can ensure that Selwyn House School remains a beacon of excellence in both academics and athletics. Contribute Today! Thank you for your support! 

For More Information:

Tim Fleiszer ‘92, Chair, The Gryphon Fund
Mike Maurovich, Director of Athletics, 514-931-9481 x2262
Sharon Cozens, Director of Advancement, 514-931-9481 x2269

To learn about other ways to give, read the Ways to Give section of the website.

The Gryphon Fund Donation Form

Tim Fleiszer '92, Chair of The Gryphon Fund

Tim Fleiszer is an Old Boy of Selwyn House (graduate of the Class of ‘92), a graduate of Harvard University, the first overall pick in the CFL, the first Canadian football player to win 4  CFL Championships, Executive Director of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, and the first inductee into the Selwyn House School Hall of Fame in 2010. Tim has studied, been a 3-sport athlete, and a coach at Selwyn House. Tim, a proud Gryphon and member of the Selwyn House community, is thrilled to be the Chair of the first endowed fund for athletics at Selwyn House School, The Gryphon Fund.  

40 Years of Gryphon Pride!

Forty years ago, Athletics Director Rob Wearing decided to take the Selwyn House physical education program to a higher level, turning it into a solid athletics program - the foundation on which today’s athletics program is built. Selwyn’s logo is the Veritas Lion but our sports teams could not use the name as The Lions were already in use by another school. In 1984 Rob introduced a new sports team emblem…The Gryphon (part lion and part eagle). This symbol continues to be proudly worn by our athletes to this day.