
Middle School Intensives: a week to remember!

April 3-5 was an action-packed week with Middle School Intensives! From learning about sustainable fashion and the cyclical economy to exploring the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, the city's museums, and even pickling, these students have been busy with a range of experiential-learning courses.
Those with a passion for the arts had the opportunity to explore painting basics and some painted a school mural. Meanwhile, bookworms dove into the world of children's literature, and thrill-seekers pushed their limits with multiple Fear Factor challenges.
There were also opportunities to get active and explore the city, some explored the different neighbourhoods, tout en pratiquant leur français, others visited our different STEM museums, while our cyclists toured the city. We're so proud of our students and grateful to our teachers for making this week possible. We can't wait to see what they'll accomplish next!
