
SHS Elementary School delivers memorable performance of Disney's "Newsies Jr., the Musical"

Bravo to Selwyn House Elementary and Mr. Kennedy for a great theatrical experience! On May 12, 60 Elementary School drama students from Grades 1-6, and one Kindergarten actor, performed Disney's "Newsies Jr. the Musical." Inspired by real events, the Broadway musical follows a group of young newsboys led by charismatic Jack Kelly (played by Harry Garschagen) who take a stand against the powerful newspaper tycoons. Through captivating song and dance numbers, the musical explored themes of friendship, solidarity, and the power of standing up for what is right. Kudos to the talented cast for delivering a memorable performance. Thanks to parents Anne Garschagen and Krista Plank for their wonderful set painting and decoration and to core crew members, staff: Mme Blais, Ms. Kuhn, Ms. Fragneau, Ms. Maurovich, Mr. Becker and Ms. Funamoto. "It was heartwarming to see the actors' catchphrase "Now is the time to seize the day" come to life in the halls leading up to the play," reported Mr. Kennedy. "It was so much fun to hear the building filled with music over the last couple of months of rehearsal as Junior Choir members and cast alike took to singing their numbers nonstop in the halls of the school. As a music and drama teacher, I know I'm doing my job when the school is filled with music and singing."