
LCC Soccer Tournament

On September 22-23, the juvenile soccer team participated in a tournament at LCC, playing four games against teams from Montreal and Quebec City. We tied our first game 1-1 and ultimately lost in a shootout, but regrouped as a team and came back to win our next three games (7-1, 1-0, and 5-0). The team supported each other throughout the weekend, moved the ball well, defended brilliantly, and generally played unselfishly, spreading around the scoring opportunities.
"I'm really proud of how the guys reacted to the loss in our first game. They decided that we're going to be a team that bounces back quickly and stays positive. It set a great tone for the rest of the season." - Dan Elbling
“A lot of players were played in new positions and with new partners, and I was proud of how they supported each other and responded to our feedback and coaching. The team is really gelling into a close-knit unit.” - Jenn Torry
