
New York City Chapter Reunion - November 2023

Tanner Smith's on W 55th St. was the meeting place for this year's edition of the NYC Chapter Reunion on November 10. Eleven Old Boys made the lively atmosphere even more lively. Catching up and hearing about careers, kids, and hobbies is always interesting. Alex Kippen '78 still feels the SHS connection, even though he moved away after Grade 7. Reid Hannaford '14 was a lucky winner a doorprize - a vintage tuque - a fashion statement for NYC to be sure!
1978 Alexander Kippen 1994 Chris Teryazos 2001 Adam Rozencwajg, Shawn Trudeau 2005 Mani Alaei, Aaron Besner 2010 George Henderson 2012 Reid Hannaford 2014 Jamie Denham, Karl Valentini 2016 Michael Cristiano Current Staff Headmaster Mike Downey, Sharon Cozens