Experiential Education
Community Engagement

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award 2023

On May 31, Headmaster Downey and Ms. Schwartz presented certificates and pins to ten Senior School students to recognize their achievements in the Duke of Edinburgh Award program.
The program has three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each level requires students to embrace a wide variety of interests, including physical activity, educational training, self-discipline, and service to the community—all designed to advance young people's physical, mental and spiritual welfare.
To receive the award, participants must meet goals in four program areas:
  1. Voluntary Service: Providing volunteer service to others and the community
  2. Skill Development: Developing a personal interest, social or practical skill
  3. Physical Recreation: Gaining a sense of achievement and good health through physical fitness activities and sports
  4. Adventurous Journey: Undertaking a wilderness or adventure experience
This spring, we recognize the following students for their achievements in the program:
Bronze Award:
  1. Zachary Chomski
  2. Nicolas Cirka
  3. Mark Kapusta
  4. Soren Matossian
  5. Roger Pan
  6. Thomas Xue
  7. Liangyu (Lewis) Zhang
  8. Ziye Zhou
Silver Award:
  1. Luka Bienvenue
  2. Henry Feltham
 Congratulations to all Duke of Edinburgh Award recipients!