
Intensives Week gives students hands-on learning experiences

From April 11 to April 14, Middle School students immersed themselves in Intensives Week, a four-day experience that took them through a unique experiential learning journey, both in and out of the classroom.

Middle School faculty and school staff facilitated the courses through a project-based learning approach, while the students explored topics and issues that reflected their own interests and passions.

This year, the students were able to choose among ten classes, all of which were delivered in a unique format that emphasizes hands-on, student-centered learning.

Children’s Literature
Pickling Party
Musical Makerspace
Discovering Montreal Museums
Painting Basics
Sortez de chez vous et venez chez nous! (in French)
Living and Learning through Medicine Wheel Teachings
The Hero’s Journey
Cycling Tour
Living Your Best Life

Click here to learn more about each of this year’s Intensives.